Last modified: 2017-09-06
GPR method is a non-invasive technique for ground exploration which detects subsurface objects and assessestheir presence, as well as provides information about the geological structure of investigation site. Ground penetratingradar method belongs to the group of geophysical methods as it uses electromagnetic waves. GPR technique takesadvantage of the differences between the dielectric constants, specific for the material under analysis. One of the factorsthat are essential to record reliable data is a clear contrast between the dielectric constant of investigated object and itssurroundings. One of the major advantages of GPR is that it does not damage ground surface as well as it is completelynon-invasive and safe for the environment. Moreover, the method is particularly useful in the design and realisationprocess of linear objects, for among the multiple aspects of its utilization there is recognition of low-bearing organicsoils. The discontinuous nature of traditional methods makes it difficult to precisely specify ground layering as well asaccurately locate potential anomalies. The analysis carried out in this study shows that GPR technique can detect theboundaries of soil layers, which considerably simplifies ground assessment.