International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, 10th International Conference „Environmental Engineering“

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Vladymir Vladymirovich Tychkov, Ruslana Vladymirovna Trembovetskaya, Tatyana Jurijovna Kisil, Julia Jurijovna Bondarenko

Last modified: 2017-08-30


Environmental monitoring is an integral part of environmental protection. Control of content of harmful substances in waste water of chemical plants is usually on-site sampling and laboratory conditions. The paper provides a method of injection analysis, which can be used in information-measuring systems control the parameters of chemical and technological processes. The method involves sequential injection analysis of the liquid sample supply for the hydraulic lines in the flow measuring channel slot detector. The detector is equipped with two solid-state heterogeneous ion-selective electrodes. Before measuring the detector further comprising sample preparation and filtration of samples. The estimation of uncertainty of the measuring system using ion-selective electrodes, one of which performs the function of the measuring electrode and the second - standard. A method of ultrasonic sample preparation, which reduces the impact of uncertainty on the stage of sampling and preparation of samples for analysis. The use of ultrasonic sample preparation directly in the flow injection allowed to extend the application of analysis and reduce the time to control the quality of the process water. Research and innovation in the development of environmental monitoring techniques were performed according to the research on the international project Tempus NETCENG "The new model of the third cycle in the field of engineering education according to the Bologna process in the BY, RU, UA" at the department of computer and information technologies in the device making of Cherkassy State Technological University



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