Last modified: 2017-09-04
With the number of vehicles increasing, the analysis of urban air pollution becomes expedient. This articledeals with the integrated evaluation of road transport realised pollutant impact on the urban air. During research, it wascarried out complex measurements of the air quality involving passive diffusive sampling for nitrogen dioxide, activemeasurement for particle matters, lichen sampling for heavy metals and visual assessment of trees defoliation. Obtainedresults showed the statistically reliable (p < 0.05) strong correlation (r = 0.83) between the number of passing vehiclesand the concentration of particulate matter and there is even stronger correlation (r = 0.94; p < 0.05) between the concentrationof nitrogen dioxide and the number of passing vehicles. It was observed during the analysis, that in measuringsites in which was determined 30% more intense defoliation process, also determined a higher NO2 (>10μg/m3) and lead(~10 mg/kg) concentrations. It can be argued that the source of mentioned pollutants is the same – motor transport, andtheir presence in the environment influences defoliation phenomenon.