Last modified: 2017-09-27
New research of Lithuanian territory gravity field was started in 2016 with aim to improve accuracy ofquasigeoid as well as accuracy of normal heights determined by methods of satellite geodesy. Obtained data could beused in the research of geophysics, geodynamics as well as in performing the precise navigation. Quartz automaticgravimeters Scintrex CG-5 are planned to be used for the survey consisting of 30000 points. Method of gravitymeasurements was worked out. RMS error of gravity determined with this method does not exceed 60 @Gal. Coordinatesand heights of measured points are determined with GNSS using LitPOS network and LIT15G quasigeoid model. RMSerror of coordinate determination does not exceed 0,20 m, for normal heights – 0,15 m. Method of gravity anomaliesdetermination and their accuracy estimation was prepared.